Monday, December 16, 2013

Tuesday, December 16th

Emerging Technology Final Project

For my final project, I created a set of interview questions that I then gave to my parents, Kim and David. These interviews gave me information for the whole project, such as relatives that I didn't know, past locations and just general information that would help me complete my assignments.I also created a Persuasive Email that I sent out to my family for more information. With this information, I made a family tree with Family Echo that is easy to look at and gives lots of information quickly. I also had to complete another family tree, but instead, I used Prezi. This allowed me to be more creative, and put more information than the Family Echo family tree.

For part of the project, I had to make an Infographic. An Infographic is a creative way of putting down information that is easy to see and use. I created my about my family history and how they migrated to the United States.

Finally, I created a 5 Frame Story Board of my Grandfathers adventure to the United States.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 2nd

Journal - Where are you right now on your "Who Do You Think You Are" project? What did you do over the break for the project? Did you interview anyone? Use the checklist below to figure out what you have finished, what you are still working on and what you still have to do.

With my Finals Project, I am on time, maybe even a little bit farther. I have been following the calendar, and I am all the way through with my prezi, and am starting my infographic.

Finished with
  • Interview #1 – 25 question transcript on Google Docs 
  • Interview #2 – 25 question transcript on Google Docs (opposite side of family) 
  • Persuasive Letter/Email – typed in Google Docs (sending is optional) 
  • Simple FamilyEcho Family Tree Outline 
  • Creative Prezi Family Tree – At least 15 family members, do NOT use a template